Modbus - VFD Control


Start & Stop

Starts or stops the VFD, be aware that a target frequency has to be set as well

  • Address : 5
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values :
    • On : 1
    • Off : 2

TCP Sequence for Start

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 01
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 01
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 05 or 0x0005
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

TCP Sequence for Stop

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 02
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 02
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 05 or 0x0005
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)


Sets the target frequency

  • Address : 6
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 1 - 50

TCP Sequence for setting target frequency to 50 Hz

Remark : Please respect the max. main frequency setting on the inverter (settings)

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 32
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 32 (for 50Hz)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 06 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)


Sets the rotation

  • Address : 7
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values :
    • Forward : 1
    • Reverse : 2
    • Stop : 3

TCP Sequence for setting direction : Forward

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 07 00 01
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 01
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 07 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

TCP Sequence for setting direction : Reverse

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 07 00 02
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 02
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 07 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)