Modbus - PID Control

PID Controllers

The PID controller target temperatures can be set as follows:

  • PID 1 : Address 10
  • PID 2 : Address 11
  • PID 3 : Address 12

Set Target temperature on PID 1 to 100Degc

  • Address : 10 (0x10)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (280)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0A 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 10 (16 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 20 or 0x0014
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Set Target temperature on PID 2to 100Degc

  • Address : 11 (0x0B)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (300)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0B 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 64 (100 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 18 or 0x000B
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Set Target temperature on PID 3 to 100Degc

  • Address : 12 (0x0C)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (300)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0C 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 10 (16 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 0C or 0x000C
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Testing with Modbus Poll

Testing with Hercules