Subsections of Lydia - Printhead Documentation


Omron MX2

  1. Please refer to the OmronMX2 - Modbus setup guide../vendor/omron/P641-E1-01_EGuide_CJ_Mod485_OMRON_3G3MX2-V1.pdf(Section 7.2.2)

In case the terminal labels mismatch the documentation, please use SN for (A-) and SP for (B+)

1.1 Set basic parameters

  • Max. Frequency, depending on gearbox, A004 = 75Hz
  • Acceleration time, F02 = 2secs
  • Deceleration time, F03 = 2secs
  • Output current on AM terminal (connect L to circuit GND!) as 10V : C28=01
  • Enable Brake - A051 = 01 (../vendor/omron/I570-E2-02B.pdf : Page 105)
  1. The firmware expects the VFD at Slave-Address 1 !

Additionally, please check the user manual../vendor/omron/I570-E2-02B.pdf)

2.1 Modbus settings - Page 297

  • Parity : None - C74 = 00
  • Speed : 9600 - C71 = 5
  • Slave Id : 1 - C72 = 1

2.2 Control settings

  • Frequency selection - A001 : 03 (Modbus)
  • Command selection - A002 : 03 (Modbus)

Please restart the inverter after changing those settings!

2.3 Test settings, using serial Modbus adapter CP2102 and Modbus poll (see ./tools/MbPoll_v9.4.0_cracked.exe)

2.3.1 Wire the CP2102 USB adapter

2.3.2 Connect

2.3.3 Function - Write Coil

The ‘Run’ LED shoud now be on.

Omron E5 - PID

TCP interface

To set the target temperature to 100 Degc on PID1, the complete message for Modbus TCP would be

01 06 00 11 00 64 D8 24

  • 01 : slave id
  • 06 : Modbus verb / function code, in this case WRITE HOLDING REGISTER
  • 11 : address (17)
  • 00 64 : value (100), 2 bytes
  • D8 24 : CRC, 2 bytes. Since it’s TCP, this isn’t evaluated and can be ignored on the Controllino - PlasticHub firmware (see ‘./firmware/Mudbus.cpp’](./firmware/Mudbus.cpp)).

In order to fake a Modbus message, all we need is 01 06 00 11 00 64 but we also have to prefix it with the TCP overhead (d2 8d 00 00 00 06)

|—- TCP Overhead—– | ——– Modbus —- |

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 | 01 06 00 11 00 64

In example, we can send this via Hercules :

The TCP overhead (d2 8d 00 00 00 06) is created as follow:

  • d2 8d : Transaction identifier, 2 bytes
  • 00 00 : Protocol identifier, 2 bytes
  • 00 06 : Length of the message, 2 bytes

Clearpath - Teknic Servo

-> White (Input A+) -> DIR -> (MB_STEPPER_DIR_0 -> CONTROLLINO_D18)
-> Black (Input B+) -> PULSE -> (MB_STEPPER_PULSE_0 -> CONTROLLINO_D17)
-> Blue (Enable +)  -> 24V
-> YELLOW (Input B-) -> GND
-> Brown (Input A-) -> GND
-> Orrange (Enable B-) -> GND

### Omron - Optional

- [Brake Resistor](

Subsections of Installation


Modbus - Documentation


The controller exposes a Modbus ‘Master’ at the specified TCP interface on port 502.

There are dedicated registers for the VFD, PIDs and internal values.

System Registers

Name Component ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
System 1 9 -W 0x6 1 Print Modbus Queue
System 1 9 -W 0x6 2 Print Component Modbus Registers
System 1 100 -W 0x6 1 Reset Controller
System 1 19 -W 0x6 1 Print PID controller states


  • Implementation for these calls : short ModbusBridge::loop() ./ModbusBridge.cpp
  • It requires a USB cable connected, with 19200 bauds, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. You can use Arduino’s ‘Serial Monitor’ to see the output.

VFD Registers

The VFD (Omron - MX2) is being polled and controlled via RS485 at a defined Modbus slave address (Default 1). See more about the setup here.

Name Component ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
VFD 200 5 -W 0x6 1 Set VFD in RUN mode
VFD 200 5 -W 0x6 2 Set VFD in STOP mode
VFD 200 5 -W 0x6 3 Set VFD in RETRACT mode (stop and retract)
VFD 200 6 -W 0x6 0-100 VFD Target Frequency
VFD 200 2 -R 0x6 0-100 VFD Current Monitor
VFD 200 3 -R 0x6 - VFD Status
VFD 200 4 -R 0x6 - VFD State

PID Registers

The PID controllers (Omron - EDC5) are being polled and controlled via RS485 at a defined Modbus slave address, starting by default from 4.

Name Component ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
PID 100 20 R- 0x6 0-Maximum Temperature (PV) PID-0 Temperature
PID 100 21 R- 0x6 0-Maximum Temperature / Set Point PID-0 Set Point (SP)
PID 100 22 R- 0x6 Status PID-0-Status / Default State : ‘Is Heating’
PID 100 23 R- 0x6 0-Maximum Temperature (PV) PID-1 Temperature
PID 100 24 R- 0x6 0-Maximum Temperature / Set Point PID-1 Set Point (SP)
PID 100 25 R- 0x6 Status PID-1-Status / Default State : ‘Is Heating’

Auxillary Registers (Sensors / Switches)

Name ID Address RW Function Code Number Addresses Register Description
OmronPID 100 20 R- 0x6 6
MB_Relay 300 41 RW 1 1
MB_Relay 301 42 RW 1 1
POT 400 51 R- 3 1
POT 401 52 R- 3 1
Pos3Analog 501 61 R- 3 1 - Read Position : Address=61(3D) -> [Up:1 Middle:0 Down:2]
Pos3Analog 502 62 R- 3 1 - Read Position : Address=62(3E) -> [Up:1 Middle:0 Down:2]
VFD 200 5 3 1
Stepper 601 70 RW -1 4
MotorLoad 210 2 R- 3 1
Status - LED 701 84 RW 3 1
Status - LED 702 85 RW 3 1


Name ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
Stepper-0 601 70 RW 0x6 0-5000 Stepper-Speed
Stepper-0 601 71 RW 0x6 0-1 Stepper-Direction
Stepper-0 601 72 R- 0x6 - Stepper-Status
Stepper-0 601 72 0x6 - Stepper-User

Feed - Servo

Name ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
Feed - VFD - Ratio 601 16 -W 0x6 0-100 Stepper-Speed

The servo is turned on automatically as soon the VFD starts running.


To monitor and control the system, please open printhead-poll.mbp with MbPoll_v9.4.0.exe

Example Example Google Sheet

Simulate Modbus for Development

  • Please use MbSlave_v7.3.0.exe to start a Modbus-RTU master on TCP. You can use the ModbusPoll app to verify your code.


Subsections of Modbus

Modbus - VFD Control


Start & Stop

Starts or stops the VFD, be aware that a target frequency has to be set as well

  • Address : 5
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values :
    • On : 1
    • Off : 2

TCP Sequence for Start

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 01
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 01
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 05 or 0x0005
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

TCP Sequence for Stop

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 02
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 02
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 05 or 0x0005
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)


Sets the target frequency

  • Address : 6
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 1 - 50

TCP Sequence for setting target frequency to 50 Hz

Remark : Please respect the max. main frequency setting on the inverter (settings)

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 05 00 32
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 32 (for 50Hz)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 06 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)


Sets the rotation

  • Address : 7
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values :
    • Forward : 1
    • Reverse : 2
    • Stop : 3

TCP Sequence for setting direction : Forward

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 07 00 01
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 01
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 07 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

TCP Sequence for setting direction : Reverse

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 07 00 02
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 02
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 07 or 0x0006
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Modbus - PID Control

PID Controllers

The PID controller target temperatures can be set as follows:

  • PID 1 : Address 10
  • PID 2 : Address 11
  • PID 3 : Address 12

Set Target temperature on PID 1 to 100Degc

  • Address : 10 (0x10)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (280)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0A 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 10 (16 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 20 or 0x0014
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Set Target temperature on PID 2to 100Degc

  • Address : 11 (0x0B)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (300)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0B 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 64 (100 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 18 or 0x000B
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Set Target temperature on PID 3 to 100Degc

  • Address : 12 (0x0C)
  • Function : 6 (WRITE_REGISTER)
  • Values : 0 - Max Temperature (300)

TCP Sequence

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 01 06 00 0C 00 10
                   +  +  +    +
                   |  |  |    |
                   |  |  |    +----> Value (2 bytes) = 00 10 (16 Degc)
                   |  |  |
                   |  |  +----> Address (2 bytes) = 0C or 0x000C
                   |  |
                   |  +--> Function Code (Always 6)
                   +--> Slave - ID (Always 1)

Testing with Modbus Poll

Testing with Hercules

Modbus - Errors

Error Codes

The system exposes the current error code as a Modbus register at address 0x00 (FunctionCode:0x3) :

  • E_VFD_TIMEOUT = 1002
  • E_PID_TIMEOUT = 2002
  • E_FEED_OVERLOAD = 4001
  • E_VFD_OVERLOAD = 1001

System Debug Commands

Name Component ID Address RW Function Code Value Register Description
System 1 9 -W 0x6 1 Print Modbus Queue
System 1 9 -W 0x6 2 Print Component Modbus Registers
System 1 100 -W 0x6 1 Reset Controller
System 1 19 -W 0x6 1 Print PID controller states

See more details in the PHApp::onError Implementation

Serial Interface

Serial Interface



All components provide minimal introspection capabilities : info, debug and custom registered methods. Each method can be called via Serial, eg : <<1;2;64;printRegisters:1:0>> to call ‘printRegisters’ for component 1 (main application).

Command construction :

Command Syntax : <<COMPONENT ID ; VERB ; FLAGS ; PAYLOAD>> whereby PAYLOAD consists out of METHOD:ARG-1:ARG-2

ID : Component Id

VERB : Command Type | Default=EC_METHOD (Class Method)

    // global function
    EC_COMMAND = 1,
    // addon method
    EC_METHOD = 2,
    // external function
    EC_FUNC = 3,
    // user space
    EC_USER = 10


FLAGS : Flags being used for the call. Default = 64

    enum MessageFlags
        NEW = 1 << 1,           // set on target when inbound
        // set on target
        PROCESSING = 1 << 2,
        // set on target when inbound
        PROCESSED = 1 << 3,
        // set on host, turn on debugging through the entire processing chain
        DEBUG = 1 << 4,
        RECEIPT = 1 << 5        // set on host, this will return the new state

PAYLOAD: String, this string depends on the verb, Default = Class::Method(short,short)


-> See more here



Installation / Compile

Download | Documentation


  • Install the following Arduino libraries from the zip!
    • osr-fw-base
    • AccelStepper
    • Arduino_MemoryFree
    • ArduinoLog
    • Vector
    • and Controllino as described below

Controllino - Mega

  1. Arduino - ‘Board’ Manager. See also here, the official documentation
  2. Arduino - Controllino Library
    • Start Arduino IDE, navigate to Sketch–>Include Library–>Manage Libraries
    • In the Library Manager type CONTROLLINO into the filter text box and search for CONTROLLINO library
    • When found, select the latest version and install it. The installation process should be fully automated
    • When finished – check in Sketch–>Include Library menu that you can see the CONTROLLINO library there
    • You can also check if you can see the set of CONTROLLINO examples in File->Examples->CONTROLLINO


IP Address

  • Change IP Address from default here

Serial Ports

  • By default, the firmware is set to 19200, 8 Bits and no parity. That’s due to the limitation of it’s slowest components, Omron-E5DC PID. You can change the settings here ‘Modbus - Commons’



Error Codes