
Omron MX2

  1. Please refer to the OmronMX2 - Modbus setup guide../vendor/omron/P641-E1-01_EGuide_CJ_Mod485_OMRON_3G3MX2-V1.pdf(Section 7.2.2)

In case the terminal labels mismatch the documentation, please use SN for (A-) and SP for (B+)

1.1 Set basic parameters

  • Max. Frequency, depending on gearbox, A004 = 75Hz
  • Acceleration time, F02 = 2secs
  • Deceleration time, F03 = 2secs
  • Output current on AM terminal (connect L to circuit GND!) as 10V : C28=01
  • Enable Brake - A051 = 01 (../vendor/omron/I570-E2-02B.pdf : Page 105)
  1. The firmware expects the VFD at Slave-Address 1 !

Additionally, please check the user manual../vendor/omron/I570-E2-02B.pdf)

2.1 Modbus settings - Page 297

  • Parity : None - C74 = 00
  • Speed : 9600 - C71 = 5
  • Slave Id : 1 - C72 = 1

2.2 Control settings

  • Frequency selection - A001 : 03 (Modbus)
  • Command selection - A002 : 03 (Modbus)

Please restart the inverter after changing those settings!

2.3 Test settings, using serial Modbus adapter CP2102 and Modbus poll (see ./tools/MbPoll_v9.4.0_cracked.exe)

2.3.1 Wire the CP2102 USB adapter

2.3.2 Connect

2.3.3 Function - Write Coil

The ‘Run’ LED shoud now be on.

Omron E5 - PID

TCP interface

To set the target temperature to 100 Degc on PID1, the complete message for Modbus TCP would be

01 06 00 11 00 64 D8 24

  • 01 : slave id
  • 06 : Modbus verb / function code, in this case WRITE HOLDING REGISTER
  • 11 : address (17)
  • 00 64 : value (100), 2 bytes
  • D8 24 : CRC, 2 bytes. Since it’s TCP, this isn’t evaluated and can be ignored on the Controllino - PlasticHub firmware (see ‘./firmware/Mudbus.cpp’](./firmware/Mudbus.cpp)).

In order to fake a Modbus message, all we need is 01 06 00 11 00 64 but we also have to prefix it with the TCP overhead (d2 8d 00 00 00 06)

|—- TCP Overhead—– | ——– Modbus —- |

d2 8d 00 00 00 06 | 01 06 00 11 00 64

In example, we can send this via Hercules :

The TCP overhead (d2 8d 00 00 00 06) is created as follow:

  • d2 8d : Transaction identifier, 2 bytes
  • 00 00 : Protocol identifier, 2 bytes
  • 00 06 : Length of the message, 2 bytes

Clearpath - Teknic Servo

-> White (Input A+) -> DIR -> (MB_STEPPER_DIR_0 -> CONTROLLINO_D18)
-> Black (Input B+) -> PULSE -> (MB_STEPPER_PULSE_0 -> CONTROLLINO_D17)
-> Blue (Enable +)  -> 24V
-> YELLOW (Input B-) -> GND
-> Brown (Input A-) -> GND
-> Orrange (Enable B-) -> GND

### Omron - Optional

- [Brake Resistor](

Subsections of Installation